
Monday, March 26, 2012

In The Midst Of A Demon

I know many people don't believe in demons. I actually have a friend who is a Christian and she doesn't believe that God would allow demons to still be around us. That logic doesn't make much sense to me because never does it say in the Bible that demons have been completely cast out. If you believe that the Bible is God's word then why wouldn't you believe that demons still exist and are in our world. I think they'd be very happy for you to believe they weren't around; it would let them move around you without being cast out.

The reason I'm writing on this subject is because I had an experience with a demon. I know that they have been around some of my friends and family in different encounters, but I'd never had an experience where I actually saw or heard one. I'm sure they've been around me in some capacity, maybe influencing some of my emotions in some of my darker periods, but this was something that I don't think I will forget.

I was listening to music in my car and a song came on that I'd listened to many times before. As I really paid attention to the lyrics they started to make me uneasy and all of a sudden a voice I'd never heard in the song before came from the speakers. The voice said something along the lines of 'you're all gonna die' or 'you're gonna die'. Normally I would put it down to interference but it wasn't through the radio, it was my iPod. And the voice sounded so evil and sent a bolt of fear straight into my chest that I immediately turned the volume down. I began to pray and cast the demon out of my presence in the name of Jesus and I immediately felt the fear recede. I turned the volume back up after changing the music to my Christian playlist and continued to pray.

When I arrived home I started to tell my mother about what had happened and broke down in tears. Though I'm a sensitive person, I've never broken down in tears like that when talking to my family (excluding the times when family members were in life and death situations). It shook me and my Mom was very worried about the experience. She wondered if we'd opened ourselves up to demons through watching some of the paranormal shows we'd been watching recently. I made sure to delete the song I had been listening to and the rest of the songs by that band. I wasn't taking any chances.

I don't know what it was that I did to cause it, or what the demon's motive was in trying to scare me, but I refuse to let the devil win. I don't feel fear from it, I made sure to plead the blood of Christ on my soul and I know God will protect me. Anyone who knows me is aware of how easily freaked out I can get, so it's a change when something this jarring doesn't leave me scared. All I feel now when I think about a demon being around me is peace. I know that God has surrounded me with his love and protection; they can't hurt me. It makes me almost want to cry with happiness at this amazing feeling I have residing in my chest right now. I wish everyone could feel what I'm feeling at this moment.

I'll leave you with a verse:

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." -Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cheese Rolls

Once again, I got hungry and tried to find some ingredients to throw together. Luckily I still had some of the ingredients left from my rolled pizza meal, because there wasn't much else to be found. This time I tweaked the recipe because I didn't have any pepperonis and I thought the topping last time was a little too strong.

So I rolled a third of a stick of string cheese in each crescent, leaving a third to enjoy for the time being, and brushed the tops of each of them with olive oil. The olive oil helps the topping to stick and to brown it up a bit. Instead of mixing the topping as before I just sprinkled the top with grated parmesan topping and used an italian seasoning grinder to finish it off.

I followed the instructions on the can of crescents and preheated and cooked them for the allotted time. Once they'd browned up I removed them. They turned out very nice and didn't leak as much cheese as last time.

I served it up with pizza dipping sauce and I thought they tasted better than my first attempt. The topping didn't taste overly salty, though some pepperoni might have added a nice spice to them. I think this is a very good meal for kids and something that is easy to whip up when you need something quick. If I had kids this would definitely be a go-to meal.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rolled Pizza

I saw this recipe on a blog I follow (which one is difficult to say because I follow so many). I thought it looked easy and a nice little meal to try. I added a topping recipe (mimicking the pizza hut topping) to add a little something to it.

What you will need to begin:

1 roll of crescents
3 string cheese sticks
dipping sauce
(you could also add other desired toppings)

Garlic powder
Onion powder
Dried parmesan cheese
Dried oregano
olive oil

First, mix the topping together.

2 tablespoons dried parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon oregano

Then you take your crescents and add the toppings to the inside. I cut the string cheese into thirds, put one third onto four pepperonis, and rolled them up.

Take the olive oil and brush it onto the top of the rolls. Then you sprinkle on the topping.

You preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and once it has preheated you cook for about 10 minutes or until golden brown.

I served them up with pizza dipping sauce.

I found that the topping made it a little too salty for my taste so the next time I'll be leaving that out, but you may enjoy it. I think it would be better on some faux pizza hut breadsticks. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year. New Attitude.

I don't know if it's the new year but I'm ready for a change. This past year I've been feeling kind of depressed and just blah. I've decided to chuck that out the window and start living. Yeah, for now I can't change everything in my life that I'd like, but I can do the best with what I've been handed. With that comes my obsession with crafting. I have so many ideas I've found and want to try, so I'm buckling down and getting them done. Look out for my posts because I'll be testing many things out.